Welcome to the A .T. Hun Art Gallery

A.T. Hun, located in Savannah, Georgia's historic City Market, is the city's most eclectic art gallery, featuring local and international contemporary artists in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

Artists are frequently in the gallery to talk about their work. You may pet and feed them, they generally don't bite, but they might cry if you criticize them, so be gentle and lie if you have to. Plus, if you buy their art, you'll have a new friend for life!


Meet The Owner

Chuck Hamilton, who established A.T. Hun Art Gallery nearly 2 decades ago, after deciding in his 40s that he wanted to 'Chuck It' and become a fulltime artist and lead his own art gallery.




Meet The Staff

Sarah Taylor, the Director of A.T. Hun Art Gallery and a fellow Artist.


Cam, Art Sales Consultant and Senior at SCAD.


Addie Taylor, Art Sales Consultant and Inventory Manager.


Maria Shumate, Art Sales Consultant and Web Designer.