Collection: Brigitte Pirlot Savannah Sketches in Black and White

Brigitte's adventures story...

Brigitte was born in Boma, a small town on the banks of the river Congo. Raised in that part of central Africa, she later spent a few years in Belgium, where she studied Industrial Design for a while, before getting a medical secretary degree. Later on, she moved to West Africa, then to France, on to England, before setting anchor in the USA.

Brigitte has been gifted with a natural talent for crafting, drawing and painting. She is a self-taught artist. 

Living in Africa taught her how to take advantage of any kind of material on hand. Give her some leaves, a piece old cloth and a candle and she will create an unexpected wonderful craft! 

Her art skills cover jewelry, silk and fabric painting, macrame, paper mache, water color, acrylic, oil pastels, ink drawing ... Did I forget some?

She likes to draw old buildings of Savannah and surrounding areas. The sketches are simple, black and white, sometimes with just a touch of color reminding you that the old city is still alive. 

Brigitte had lately developed a taste for multi mixed media composition, a form of art that let her express her feelings, gathering unusual objects into an often-romantic piece of art, full of nostalgia. A mixture of her African and European roots is a signature of her work for everybody to enjoy.